Animal health
The following aspects are important for animal health:
- Good hygiene management
- Good barn climate (e.g., minimise noxious gases and dust, no drafts)
- Balanced diet including roughage of good quality
- Drinking water in clean drinkers, and feed in perfect condition (without contamination etc.)
- Regular observation of the animals to be able to intervene early in case of diseases
- Regular controls by a veterinarian
- If necessary, vaccination of the animals (against infectious diseases such as myxomatosis, rabbit haemorrhagic disease, autovaccines, i.e., vaccines made from pathogenic strains isolated from a holding, intended to immunize the animals from this holding against Pasteurella)
- Minimise stress (e.g., during transport, grouping, diet change), in order to reduce the disease susceptibility
Despite of strict hygiene management, conventional rabbit keeping is usually not possible without adding a coccidiostat (a substance that is supposed to inhibit the infestation with coccidia) to the feed. Since the treatment and the prognosis of many typical rabbit diseases is difficult and unfavourable, prophylaxis (good hygiene, health-promoting measures) is even more important.
Read more here.