General requirements
Under natural or semi-natural conditions, rabbits would spend a large proportion of their active time on foraging and feeding. In addition, they would occupy themselves with digging their typical underground burrows and nests.
![Digging rabbit, Copyright: 4028mdk09 [CC BY-SA 3.0], Wikimedia Commons](/sites/default/files/Bilder/0044_Grabendes_Kaninchen_By%204028mdk09%20%5BCC%20BY-SA%203.0%20%20%28httpscreativecommons.orglicensesby-sa3.0%29%5D%2C%20from%20Wikimedia%20Commonssm.jpg)

Therefore, species-appropriate husbandry offers, e.g., enrichment that allows rabbits to perform important elements of foraging and exploratory behaviour.
Possibilities to enrich the environment:
- Items and materials like wooden gnawing bars that can be manipulated, and littered areas for exploration and manipulation (e.g., sniffing, gnawing, scratching, marking with the chin gland)
- Roughage
- Social contacts
Read more here.