Predator avoidance
Rabbits are flight animals. Behaviours of predator avoidance comprise scanning of the environment (being vigilant), warning (‘thumping’), and fleeing.
When rabbits show vigilance behaviour, they are alert and scan their surroundings with their eyes and ears, often while rearing up on their hind legs.

![Wildkaninchen, Copyright: T. Voekler [CC BY-SA 3.0], Wikimedia Commons](/sites/default/files/Bilder/0029_Wild_black_Oryctologus_cuniculus_By%20T.Voekler%20%5BCC%20BY-SA%203.0%20%20%28httpscreativecommons.orglicensesby-sa3.0%29%5D%2C%20from%20Wikimedia%20Commonssm.jpg)

If potential predators appear, rabbits warn their conspecifics by hitting the ground with their hind legs (‘alarm thumps’). Their first reaction to threatening situations is flight and seeking refuge in hiding places. If this is not possible, rabbits can also react with freezing, i.e, they become immobile.
Read more here.