Reproductive behaviour and rearing of offspring
Rabbits have induced ovulation, that means the ovulation is triggered by the copulation. Gestation lasts approximately 28 to 32 days. Immediately after birth, does (female rabbits) can conceive again.
![Digging rabbit, Copyright: Frank Vincentz [CC-BY-SA-3.0], Wikimedia Commons](/sites/default/files/Bilder/0025_Solingen_-_Fauna_-_Oryctolagus_cuniculus_01_ies_By%20Frank%20Vincentz%20%5BCC-BY-SA-3.0%20%28httpcreativecommons.orglicensesby-sa3.0%29%5D%2C%20from%20Wikimedia%20Commonssm.jpg)
About two weeks to a couple of days before parturition the doe starts to build a nesting room or nest stop, or seeks out an existing one. The doe also carries grass and hay into the nest. Shortly before parturition, the doe pulls out her own hair and stuffs it into the nesting room. The hair serves as an additional insulation material for the altricial offspring, which is blind, deaf, hairless, and still requires maternal care for some time.

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